Acupuncture is a main pillar of Chinese Medicine and has been integrated more and more with Western Medicine, particularly in the fields of Reproductive Medicine, Psychoemotional Health, and Addiction care etc..
Acupuncture is often offered with any of the following to emphasize the effects: Herbal Medicine, Food Therapy, Lifestyle Coaching, Qi Gong/Breathing, Tai Chi Exercises, Tuina Body Work, Moxibustion (Moxa), Acupressure, and more.
Akari provides the following;
- Pelvic Health Acupuncture
- Fertility Acupuncture
- Onsite Pre & Post IVF Acupuncture
- Prenatal Acupuncture
- Breech Acupuncture & Moxa
- Labour Prep Acupuncture
- Postpartum Acupuncture
- Lactation Acupuncture
- Breast Health Acupuncture
- Menopause Acupuncture
- Emotional Health Acupuncture
and more.
My condition is quite simple. Can you treat me right away?Regardless of the severity, I will care for your health. Let's not skip steps. It is important to do an evaluation and set a treatment strategy so that our treatment brings long lasting favourable results.
I can tell you how my previous practitioner treated me. Can we skip intake and assessment?I do trust and respect other practitioners' diagnosis and treatment approach; however, none of the treatment is identical and your conditions might have changed since your last treatment with your previous practitioner. Furthermore, I might have different suggestions to your care. It is good to have your condition re-evaluated thoroughly to start fresh!