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Cancellation Policy (as of January 01 2023)

We require 48hour notice for any cancellations or changes (including re-scheduling) to your appointment. Those who provide less than 48hour notice, or miss their appointment will be charged as follows with NO exceptions.


Initial and Re-Assessment Appointments;

  • 100% cancellation fees for all cancellations made between 0-48hrs


Follow-up Appointments;

  • 100% fees for cancellations made between 0-24hr

  • 50% fees for cancellations made between 24 - 48hr



In order to equally participate in this cancellation policy and help patients,  we participate in the cancellation policy as followings: 

  • Virtual/phone appointments. Patients are encouraged to switch to this type of appointment if they cannot be physically present at my office for their appointments. 

  • Donation: 30% of the collected cancellation fees will be donated to the charity of our choice

  • Reduced rate for rescheduled treatments: If we ever have to cancel on patients within the cancellation policy, the cancellation policy will not be applied to the affected appointments. And a reduced rate for the rescheduled appointments will be offered accordingly when the care is delivered within a set period of time



To read more about our Cancellation Policy, please visit HERE

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