Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been known for its integrative, holistic, and functional approach.
Since its development thousands of years ago, Chinese Medicine has been teaching people how to live, how to eat, and how to take care of their minds and bodies in everyday life based on the core principle called Yang Sheng - which means "nourishing life (through lifestyle)".
Chinese Medicine is a lifestyle medicine that treats and provides people tools to restore health and stay well with well-aging and longevity in mind.
Pillars of Chinese Medicine
Herbal Medicine
Herbs are carefully formulated for individual condition(s). They can be taken or applied as daily tea, strong concoction, powder, tincture, topical, essential oil, flower essence, foot bath, or yoni steam (fumigation) etc.
Food Therapy
You are WHAT you eat, and you are HOW you eat. Chinese medicine based food therapy teaches you the right food options FOR YOU and how to enjoy them, so that you can make active choices to restore your health and stay well.
Lifestyle Coaching
Lifestyle is a medicine on its own. It is believed that lifestyle should be adapted by the climate and season, and your age, life stage, constitution, and the current mind and body state in order to feel well and healthy.
Moxibustion (Moxa)
A herbal heat therapy to stimulate acupuncture points to enhance treatment effects.
Refined dried Mugwort is often used.
The most well-known application is to help breech babies in late pregnancy.
Non-needle, manual therapy version of acupuncture.
It is mostly delivered to patients as a self-care tool.
It is well used in the labour support scenes.
Body work based on the principle of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture that is used not only for muscular concerns but also for a wide range of conditions from digestive concerns to emotional wellbeing.
Negative pressure is applied by the special medical cups over the body. This increases local lymph and blood flow, releases tissue restrictions to ease pain, and regain physical functions. It has been integrated by manual therapists for its profound effects.
Gua Sha
A thin smooth edged tool is used to gently scrape the skin to increase local lymphatic and blood flow, and release tissue restriction to ease pain. It has gained appreciation from the cosmetic/beauty fields in the very recent years.
Qi Gong & Breathing
One of the self-cultivation tools. Mindful breathing and spiritual practice to bring calm and increase mental and physical balance.
It has been well used in the treatment of chronic pain and mental wellness.
Meditation teaches us how to simply be present and connect with our bodies.
Healthy mind is one of the recipes for a healthy body.
Tai Chi & Exercises
A form of martial arts that involves both slow and sharp movements. It helps with mental calmness and clarity. It is often recommended as a stress management tool.
My condition is quite simple. Can you treat me right away?Regardless of the severity, I will care for your health. Let's not skip steps. It is important to do an evaluation and set a treatment strategy so that our treatment brings long lasting favourable results.
I can tell you how my previous practitioner treated me. Can we skip intake and assessment?I do trust and respect other practitioners' diagnosis and treatment approach; however, none of the treatment is identical and your conditions might have changed since your last treatment with your previous practitioner. Furthermore, I might have different suggestions to your care. It is good to have your condition re-evaluated thoroughly to start fresh!